Advantages Of Sharing An Apartment At An Assisted Living Community


As an elderly person who has a certain level of disability, you'd like to move to an assisted living community, but you're not sure you can afford it. Consider getting a roommate and sharing the cost. You'll each have your own private master suite with a bedroom and bathroom, and you'll share the rest of the living space. There also are advantages besides the cost savings. Communities That Match Up Potential Roommates

14 April 2015

Parent Getting Older? 2 Things That Are A Sign They Need Assisted Living


Your parent likely spent many years taking care of you, and now it may be time to turn the tables. This can be hard on you, but it is something you have to deal with to keep your parent safe. Below are two signs that it is time to put him or her in assisted living. Memory It is normal for memory to become worse as you age, but your parent's memory loss may be cause of concern.

13 April 2015

Senior Citizen Well-Being: 5 Elements Of Adequate Health And Wellness


As you age, it is more important than ever to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is the key to leading a happy and long life. You need to stay well in order to improve your mind, body and soul. Wellness is much more than just exercising regularly and eating right. In fact, there are a number of important elements that play a role in your health and wellness. Here are five elements of well-being that are crucial to healthy aging:

10 April 2015